Quil Ateara: Asking you out

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You're head ache had finally gone and you decided it was time to leave. "I still don't think you should drive!" Emily said. She had a point, you had just been pelted in the head with a football!

"I'll take her," Quil said standing up and walking over to you. "Really it's fine," you said smiling at him. "I hid you with the ball so I'll take you home," he said taking your car keys from your hand. "But-" Sam chuckled. "I wouldn't argue with him, he knows that Emily will yell at him if he doesn't!" He joked making everyone laugh.

Eventually you agreed to Quil taking you home so the two of you got into the truck and drove off.

"I'm really sorry about hitting you," he said for the 100th time! "Stop apologising!" You said putting your hand on his. "I know you didn't mean to so just forget about it!" You could see Quil staring down at you hand so you moved it, thinking he wasn't comfortable with you touching him.

"So your boyfriend won't mind me driving you home?" He asked smirking slightly. "No, he'll probably thank you!" You said making him look upset. "Oh." Was all he said. You giggled before saying "if I had one that is." He instantly smiled again.

"Oh really?" He said making you nod. Before you knew it you were back home, which made you feel a little upset since you enjoyed being with Quil.

"So what would you say if I- I don't know asked you out?" He said getting out of the truck and opening your door. "Well that would depend," you said stepping out of the truck. "On?" Quil asked.

"Whether or not you were asking as a friend or if you were asking for a date." Quil smiled. "A date, definitely a date," not it was your time to smile.

"Well then I'd have to say yes," his smile was the most adorable thing you'd ever seen! "I'll pick you up tomorrow," he said walking you to your front door. "Good night." He said as its shut the door.


I feel like this is too short, is it?

I liked this one, he's so cute!

Thanks for reading!

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