Jared cameron: asking you out

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You quickly walked through the crowded hall way, as per usual. You quickly made it to your locker and threw your things in there. "H-hi." You turned and saw the stunning Jared Cameron stood behind you. You smiled and continued what you were doing.

For some reason after Jared had noticed you in English he wouldn't stop staring at you, bugging you more like but in total honesty you didn't mind his company.

"So what classes have you got?" He asked leaning against the locker next to you. "Uhh maths first." You said frowning at the terrible you had ahead of you. "Same." He said smiling to himself. You couldn't help but think about how perfect his smile was, how it made you feel when you saw it. "Shall we?" You said gesturing to your first class. He nodded, saying yes and you were both off.

When you got to class you went to your assigned seats and just waited for the bell to ring. Sure you were paying a little bit of attention but the rest of your attention was on Jared. You noticed the teacher staring daggers at you and you definitely weren't about to get detention for not doing your work. You snapped your head down and continued writing.

When you finally looked back up you saw Jared staring at you. You smiled and tried not to blush but the way he was staring at you just made it impossible! He looked down and you noticed that he was blushing too? You chuckled and everyone looked at you, making you go even redder.

After the bell rang you packed your things and headed for the door. "U-umm" you heard Jared's voice stutter. You quickly turned around to see him but he just sighed and walked past you, making you frown.

After an entire school day had finally passed you walked over to Jared who was stood with Paul, Embry and Quil. "C-can I talk to you." You said a little nervous. He nodded and looked to his friends. They were all huge and scary looking but you knew not to judge a book by its cover since you met Jared.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking genuinely concerned. "Have I-" you began fidgeting with your hands. "-done something to piss you off?" You said going quieter at the end. He shook his head and grabbed your hand. His large hands were boiling hot and made your hands look tiny in comparison. "Sorry." He said noticing you staring at your hands. He quickly let go and for some reason that made you sad.

"It's just that I-" he went quiet. This was strange. Jared wasn't the loudest person you knew but he sure as hell wasn't this shy! He was usually laughing with his friends and occasionally picking up girls with little comments he said on they're appearance. You sighed. "Look of ice done something than just tell me!" You said getting annoyed. He just looked down and took a deep breath.

"Will you go out with me?" The words echoed in your head. You temporarily went into shock and didn't say anything. Jared was just stood there looking a little hurt by how long it was taking you to reply, you snapped out of it and nodded. He smiled and took your hand, making you feel a lot better.

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