Seth clearwaters: asking you out

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"Paul." I shouted waiting for my older brother to get the door. "Paul!" I yelled once more trying to get him out of bed. "What!" He shouted. "The door!" I yelled back. "We'll go get it!" He said and I sighed. I walked over to our front door and opened it to see my favourite person. "Seth!" I said smiling. "Hey!" He said giving me his million dollar smile. "Seth." Paul said from behind me. "Hey Paul." He said, his smile decreasing a bit.

"What do you want?" Asked Paul blocking me out of view. "Your sister." He said and I felt my heart thump against my chest. "What!" Bellowed Paul. "By Paul!" I said pushing past him and grabbing hold of Seth's hand. His hand was warm, even though it was early January. It sent sparks up my arm for some reason.

We had finally gotten to our destination, which was anywhere where Paul wasn't, and I let go of his hand. He growled? "What's wrong?" I asked looking into his stunning eyes. "Uh well-" he went quiet. "So-" I said feeling awkward. "Paul's face when you said you wanted me was hilarious!" I said giggling. He chuckled. "I think he thought you meant like in a-" I blushed a bit. "Like sexually!" I said laughing. "Well-" he said. "What if I did?" He asked making me do a double take.

"What?" I said in a serious tone. "I know you think of me as a kid that hangs around with your brother but-" he began. "Seth your the same age as me!" I said smiling. "I know that but that's how you see me right?" I didn't say anything. In all honesty I didn't think of Seth as a kid, it was embarrassing to say that I thought of him as a man, a really hot man! That's why I didn't answer his question. "A-anyway-" he said. "What if I did want you? What if I did think of you in a sexual way and not just as a friend?" I could tell my face was bright red.

"What if I asked you out?" He said looking at his hands with a lot less confidence than he started with.

"Yes." I said making him look at me. "Your not a kid so I- I'd say yes!" I said sounding a little too happy. He smiled at me and put his arms around me.

So! How was it?

I liked this one!

It's pretty obvious that this doesn't follow the how you met Seth one but I don't really like that one so I'll probably write a new one!

I think I might turn this into a mini series! Should I?

Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading!

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