Paul: lemon

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You continued tapping the keyboard on your lap top, desperately trying to get to your destination which was 8000 words.

Your phone dinged, you instantly reached for it, happy to have an excuse to stop with this ridiculous homework you had to complete.

"Hey bbe😉 wat u up 2?" You mentally cringed at the text talk Paul used.
"Would it kill you to type like a normal human being?" You replied back as you put your phone down.

"Soz bbe but I cba to type it all out😂" now this was giving you a headache.
"What can I do to make you type normally?" You said having enough of Paul's usual text talk.

"A pic might help?😈" you rolled your eyes but did as he asked and sent a picture of your face looking slightly annoyed. "Boring!" He instantly sent back.

"Talk normal and I'll show a little more skin" you pushed your laptop away, feeling slightly amused in your game. "Did I ever tell you how nice you look with your hair down?" You understood what Paul wanted so you let your hair out of its pony tail and slightly pulled down your shirt, revealing a small amount of cleavage.

This went on and on for some time, Paul's texting only getting better and better as you rewarded him with naughty pictures of yourself slowly removing clothes.

Eventually you removed your top and jeans, leaving yourself exposed and in the mood so you decided to call him.

He picked up after a surprisingly long time, sounding breathless and raspy as he muttered a simple "H-hello?" So he really was putting those photos to good use!

This only turned you on more so without realising, your hand slipped past your underwear. "Are you playing with yourself?" Paul said rather excitedly.

You spoke quietly, "yes" and that was all he needed to hear before groaning through the phone.

"How close are you?" You felt yourself turn crimson at that, your abdomen clenching a bit with pleasure as you continued your ministrations on your own body.

"Close; r-really close."

"Me too. Do you wanna... you know..." You gulped and threw your head back against the pillow, body more stimulated at his voice than it ever was before. Coming at the same time was a bit cliché, but at the same time it sounded... enthralling.

"Yeah, just... tell me when it's happening for you." A small groan escaped his mouth after you finished speaking, alerting you of a rapidly approaching climax.

"N-now; I'm..." He never finished his sentence as your own gasp of pleasure emitted from your mouth the moment you heard him say 'now'.

"Wait there baby, I'm on my way!" He said before hanging up. Was he really going to come all the way to your house for sex?


How was this one?

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