Brady: thats my girl

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You sat at Emily's place. Emily was busy cooking food for everyone while Sam offered her a hand, which she refused again, you couldn't blame her really because the only thing sam could do when it came to cooking was adding hot water to instant noodles.

Embry and Quil started to arm wrestle, the other boys yelling for who they wanted as victor. Finally Embry managed to tap Quil's hand down on the wooden table, earning him a pat on the back from Paul.

"Who's next?" Jared asked sitting beside Kim. "I say we let the girls decide who's the stronger imprint." Seth said teasing you and Kim. Kim laughed awkwardly but you just smiled.

"Not really a fair fight, Kim's a little older than Y/N." Collin said from behind you. Kim chuckled. "Scared?" She teased looking at you. You faked surprise. "Me?" You said pointing to your self. "No, I just don't want to embarrass you in front of everyone." At your reply everyone "oooh!" Making Kim get up from beside her boyfriend and walk to the table.

"Let's keep this friendly ladies," Quil said from beside the table which you were now sat at. Brady and Jared were now both watching intensely, they knew neither of you would get hurt but seeing their imprints in competition made them slightly competitive for their lover to win.

"Ready?" You asked while smiling at Kim but she just frowned at you and positioned her hand for you to take it. You frowned briefly before copying her actions. "Go!" Jacob yelled and that was it.

Kimberly began by pushing your hand as hard as you could. You thought this was just going to be a playful match but she was taking this a little too seriously so you decided to do the same.

Kimberly looked shocked as she realised you weren't going to be easy to take down. You could feel brady looking over at you and you decided that after a little bit of toying with her you'd end this.

You smirked at her before slamming her hand down on the table with a little bit of effort. Kim looked stunned. "And the winner is-" Leah grabbed your hand and put it in the air, showing you to be the victor. "Y/N!" She yelled.

"Maybe next time," you said to the now pouting Kim. "That's my girl!" Brady said grabbing you by your waist and pulling you into him.

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