Meeting Jacob Black

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"Hey there Mr Black." I said walking into the store. "Oh hello there Y/N." He said smiling. "Billy you need some help?" Asked Mrs Smith from behind the counter. He shook his head. "Where's Jacob these days!" I questioned smiling. "Oh he's busy a lot now." He said looking at Mrs Smith who just smiled and nodded like I was missing something.

"I can take those for you!" I said picking up the two heavy bags that were on the floor. He smiled. "It's really fine." He said but I just smirked and picked the third bag up and places it onto his lap. "Just let her help you Billy! She's a healthy young lady!" Said Mrs Smith making me laugh. Billy finally agreed and we left the store.

"So how's Jacob been?" I asked making him chuckle. "What?" I questioned. "Nothing." He said smiling. We had been going for a while because the store he went to wasn't on the reserve, so for obvious reasons his arms where aching. "Here let me help." I said placing the two bags onto the handles of the wheelchair and pushing Mr Black.

"Jacobs been good." He said going back to the previous conversation. "Good." I said sounding a little too relieved. Once again he chuckled. "You should come round like you used to!" He said makings my smile even bigger. "I.. Don't know about that." I said. "How come?" He asked. "Well since I moved away we just stopped talking." I frowned. Before I knew it we were at the Black residence and I wheeled Billy to the door.

"Hey dad!" Shouted Jacob running up with a bunch of guys. "Hey Jake, Sam!" He said welcoming the others. "How did you take so long?" Asked Jack completely ignoring me. "I went off of the residence to one of the stores." He said, Jacob rolled his eyes. "Y/N here helped me." He said putting his hand on mine and I just smiled. "Thanks!" Said Jacob not realising who I was. "Y/N?" He said finally clicking. "Hi Jake." I said with a faint smile on my face, Avoiding eye contact and trying not to look to happy when he said my name.

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