Jacob: thats my girl

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Sam was the alpha of the pack the leader and the boys respected him. They listened to his orders even if they hated what he ordered them to do. Quiet often Jacob was ordered to miss one of your dates to do patrol or he would have to call and say he missed you because he was busy all day doing what Sam ordered.

You curled up to Jacob on the sofa in your house, you lived in the reserve, fairly close to Emily's house.

You could hear the boys whistling and howling playfully, letting you both know they were outside so you went and let them in.

"Come in," you said with a smile as the boys entered your home, luckily for you you're parents were out so you had the house to yourself.

"Hey Y/N got anything to eat?" Jared asked as his stomach rumbled. "In the kitchen." You said, Jared and Quil shot up to go raid your fridge while the other boys sat on the sofa.

"Where's Sam?" Asked Jacob. "Busy, he said he'd come round later." Embry answered while watching the movie you had been watching with Jacob.

You were all enjoying yourself when Sam arrived, you let him in and you both joined the boys in the living room.

It was evident that Sam was in a bad mood because of the sour look on his face. "What's wrong with you?" Jared asked still stuffing his face. "Clearly ain't getting any!" Seth joked happily.

"Laps." Sam said in a low growl. "What?" Seth asked not hearing him. "Go run laps now!" He yelled causing Paul to stand to his feet and storm outside to do laps. You were shocked, was he allowed to do that.

"Anyone else?" Sam said pissed. "Sam just calm down," Jacob said trying to help calm the alpha. "You think you can speak to me like that?" Sam said stepping forward towards Jacob who was sat beside you and Paul.

"Like what?" Jacob said confused. "As if you're above me!" He yelled, that was enough. Sure Sam was pissed, maybe something was wrong and it had bothered him but he had no right to talk to the boys like that, especially not your boyfriend.

"Okay," you said standing up. "Out." You said calmly. "Excuse me?" Sam said turning to you. "I said get out." You said staring him in the eye. Jacob was watching carefully to make sure his alpha didn't over step with you.

"I'm the alpha!" He said loudly but not quite yelling. "You're not my alpha and frankly I don't care what your title is." The boys were shocked. "This is my house and I won't let you talk to anyone like that." Sam himself was shocked to the point where no words could exit his lips.

"You either say you're sorry or leave." You said standing your ground. Sam was silent momentarily before he bowed his head. "I'm sorry." He said before sitting down.

To say everyone was shocked was an understatement, Paul whispered to Jacob "she's crazy." Jacob just smirked. "That's my girl!" he said happily.


Wattpad only lets you upload 200 hundred chapters for a book on here and this is chapter 193...

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