Meeting Collin Littlesea

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You walked into the Uley residence to see two new faces, well two new heads since they weren't facing you.

"Oh Y/N I didn't think you'd be stopping by today!" Emily said walking over to you. "Yeah uh- grandma told me to drop these off-" you handed her a bag.

"Tell your grandmother she's a saint!" Emily said taking the bag into the kitchen.

"Hey L/N!" Jared said ruffling your hair. "Hey shorty~" Paul called. "Don't touch the hair!" You said moving Jared's hand. "And I'm not even that short, you're all just freakishly huge!" You said making them all laugh.

You knew all of the pack members because you practically lived next door!

"Hey why don't you meet the two newbies!" Embry said. "Y/N this is Brady Fuller-" Brady lifted his hand and waves it so you knew which one he was.

"And this is Collin Littlesea," Collin turned to look at you and he wouldn't look away.

"H-hi-" you said suddenly feeling nervous. "Hey," Collin said still not taking his eyes off you.

"Oh this just got interesting!" Quil said earning a chuckle from the other members.


What a name "Littlesea"

Any way thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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