Embry: ignored

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Now the thing with Embry call is that for years on end he just seemed to fit in, like you, now that wasn't a bad thing because he just seemed to be a little puzzle piece that fitted in, not standing out but in the space of a day he became one of the most well known boys in school because of his physical change.

The two of you knew each other because like I said you both fitted in to your own little social groups but that was it! You weren't friends, you didn't have classes together, you just knew each other's names.

After he skipped school that week he came back looking good, very good! His long black hair had been trimmed, allowing you to see more of his face, his body buffed up making him look like a Greek God and his attitude changed slightly.

Walking through the car park was w bit of a hassle since everyone at your school seemed to have a truck so it was always busy when the bell went.

You put in your headphones and made your way to your own little crappy truck when you saw them, the hall monitors on steroids as everyone called them.

The other boys were joking about while Embry was looking over every girl that was looking over him.

"Yo catch!" You heard someone yell and that's when you got knocked flying into Embry's direction by another guy trying to catch the football that had been hurled into the air.

You stumbled backwards but luckily for you, Embry's reflexes were perfect and he caught you just before you hit the ground.

"Thanks," you said picking yourself up. "It's fine," he said giving you a small smile. For a moment your eyes met and the feeling was indescribable and unknown to you.

"A-" you didn't know what you were going to say but you wanted to say something to him but was cut off when he looked away from you.

Did he not feel that spark? That electric attraction you felt running through your veins? Why did he not seem interested in you?


This was crap but I wrote this in the doctors surgery because I'm ill and people were staring at me!😂

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