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I wrote this to Ed sheeran kiss me! So I recommend listening to it! I'd link it to you but I can't because wattpad doesn't allow that!😒

Sam: when kissing Sam he likes to place his hands on your lower back, pushing you into his broad muscular body. He tends not to use tongues unless it's a very heated moment in the bedroom. He's soft but dominant when kissing you and if you do use tongues he instantly fights yours for dominance and always wins!

Jared: when kissing Jared he will place his hands at the bottom of your back, he starts off gentle and never rushes you to get to passionate! His soft, gentle lips always remind you why your with him!

Paul: when kissing Paul he likes to take the lead! He will crash his full, hot lips onto yours and run his tongue across got bottom lip, asking for entrance. If you deny him entrance he will pinch your bottom, making you gasp each time allowing him access! Paul kisses you hard and passionately, always leaving you hungry for more!

Jacob: when kissing Jacob it's always like your first kiss all over again! He will take your hands in his and pull you close before gently pressing his lips against yours.

Embry: Embry is the shyest of the boys so you'd think when he kissed you he'd be shy- wrong! When you kiss with Embry he places his hands on your hips, preventing you from going anywhere and places his lips on top of yours. Rarely using tongues unless it's to prove that your his.

Seth: when Seth kisses you he's pretty dominant. His inner child goes away and the lustful wolf inside takes over. He will cage you into the wall or whatever is behind you and press his lips onto yours, pretty roughly as he shows he's not always a child. He will then slowly massage your tongue with his, leaving you a lustful mess.

Quil: kissing Quil is always special for you because he's your soul mate. He likes to corner you or cage you with his arms around your waist. Once he's got you he likes to peck your forehead, then your nose, then your cheeks and finally your lips.

Brady: like most teenage boys his age he likes to take control when kissing you which is perfect since you're to shy to take the lead! He likes to quickly and randomly press his lips to yours in a sloppy make out session! Which always leaves you satisfied!

Collin: this loveable hunk is possibly one of the shyest kissers you've ever met! He lets you take the lead since you're a lot more confident than he is but you love his kisses either way!

Leah: since Leah thought she'd never find her imprint, thought she never had an imprint, she's constantly kissing you as passionately as possible!

So how was this? This is probably my favourite one so far!😍

If you guys want Brady and Collin than just say so right here and I will add them in!~~~>

Which one is your favourite kiss?

Thanks for reading!😉

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