Brady Fuller: kisses you to shut you up

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You jumped onto your boyfriends bed, he didn't even notice since he was so busy with his game.

"You should really get a haircut," you said running your fingers through his hair. He ignore you again. "Are you listening?" You asked frowning.

"Yeah sure," he said still staring at the small controller in his hands. "Maybe I can cut it for you-" he still wasn't listening.

"Brady!" You snapped at him. Brady sighed before turning around and smashing his lips against yours.

You were stunned but you kissed back, I mean who would t kiss him back?

"Happy now?" He said making you nod. "Then shut up and let me play!" He joked making you giggle.


I'm really sorry because this is so short but I kind of liked it being so fast!

I liked the idea of him needing you to be silent for a couple of minutes!

Thanks for reading!

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