Jared: movie cliche

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"Wait!" You called out as the elevator doors began to shut. You saw a hand come out and stop the doors from shutting, giving you peace at mind knowing you wouldn't have to wait.

"Thanks!" You said as you got onto the elevator. "No problem." Said the rather handsome stranger. "Which floor?" He asked smiling at you. "Ah 3rd." You said as he pressed he button, wow, that was nice of him.

The boy stood in front of you was extremely attractive, he had chocolate brown eyes, a deep tan and black hair that was chopped short, but what attracted you to him was his smile. It was stunningly innocent when he smiled at you.

Suddenly the elevator came to an abrupt stop, sending you flying into the boy food in front of you, luckily he caught you. The tacky elevator music ended and suddenly the small light went out.

"What's going on?" You asked, trying to sound too scared. "I think we've stopped." The boy said feeling his way around the elevator.

You started to breath heavy, your body shaking uncontrollably as you became claustrophobic in the small space you were trapped in. "This- this isn't okay!" You said already running out of breath.

The boy noticed how scared you were so he reached out and pulled you into his chest, wrapping his huge arms around you. "You're okay, I'm here to protect you, so don't be scared." He said sweetly.

As strange as it is, you suddenly felt safe in the strangers arms, as if nothing could harm you while he was there.

The boy took his iPhone out of his pocket and turned the torch on, illuminating the small space you were currently stuck in. "Good idea." Was all you said before copying him.

"So what do we do now?" You asked concerned a how you'd get out of the elevator. "Now we wait!" He said cheerfully. How could this guy be so positive in such a horrid situation?

"For what?" You asked. "For them to come get us out!" He said sitting down. "So we might as well get comfortable." You decided he was right and took a seat next to him.

"Why don't we get to know each other a little?" He said smiling. "Okay, my names Y/N." You said offering a smile at him. "My names Jared and I love the name Y/N!" You couldn't help but laugh at him. You were so glad he was with you.

The two of you continued talking, getting to know each other very well actually. The entire time he was happy and cheerful and didn't show a single sign that he was at the least a little scared.

"How?" You said confusing him a little. "How what?" He asked still smiling at you. "How are you so happy in this situation?" He just smiled before saying "I'm stuck in an elevator with a very pretty, very nice girl that I probably have no chance with but when we're stuck together in here I get to talk to you." You couldn't help but smile as your cheeks grew red.

Suddenly the elevator lights turned on and began to move once again. "Guess they've fixed it." Jared said standing up. He offered you his hand and helped you up at the doors opened.

"Well it was lovely meeting you." Jared said making you smile. "Yeah, here." You said handing him your phone. "Put your number in it and I'll call you when I'm free?" Jared looked beyond happy as he put his number into your contacts.

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