Jared: bad ass

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You and Jared hadn't been dating for very long, in fact you didn't know you were his imprint and that he was a shapeshifter!

You had met the pack and created friendships with all of the boys so they didn't mind when Jared asked you to come with them.

You didn't know what you were doing until you were on the highest cliff at la push beach.

"Don't worry, you don't have to do it!" Jared said noticing the slight fear on your face. "Yeah, we understand if you're too chicken to do it!" Paul joked earning a growl off of Jared.

"C'mon, we'll wait by the car," Jared said grabbing your hand. "Why would I want to do that?" You said kicking your shoes off.

"Last one downs a rotten egg," you said before throwing yourself off of the high cliff and into the freezing cold water.

The boys stood shocked for a second. "I like her more and more each day!" Paul said before they all followed your lead. Jared smiled.


I really want to try cliff diving!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now