||Jacob Black: bedroom||

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You weren't a very sexual person. You didn't go out every night sleeping with people because you had Jacob.

He was a very "traditional" boy to put it so he hardly ever touched you and to be honest you were aching for it!

You stared at his shirtless chest and had to cross your legs as you could feel the heat pooling up between your legs.

Jacob looked at you with a grin on his face. He could tell that you wanted him, he could sense it! The link between the two of you meant that he was linked with your emotions some times.

He slowly put one hand over his bulge and moved slightly. You didn't know why but it turned you on. You tightened your legs even more, hoping he wouldn't notice.

He did and he was now hungrier than ever for you. "Jake?" You said as he stared at you intensely. "That's it!" He dived on top of you, startling you a little.

He pressed his lips to your. He tried to insert his tongue but you wouldn't let him! He grabbed a hand full of your ass and squeezed tightly. "Ah-" your mouth opened up from the shock and the slight pain.

He took advantage of this and pushed his tongue into your mouth. He instantly dominated you in the heated kiss and you let him!

When he pulled away you looked disappointed. "My room now!" He said in a huskily tone. You stood and ran to his bedroom and let's just say it was a very vocal night!


How was this one?

I know I didn't do the actual sex scene but I like to let you decide what happens from there on!;)

Thanks for reading!

Embry's is next!

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