||Jared Cameron: bedroom||

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Your boyfriend was going to be spending the night since your parents were out of town but were worried to leave you alone while there was vampires on the lose!

Jared offered to stay with you but your parents were a little concerned that you guys would get up to no good!

"If we were going to have sex we'd have sex by now!" You said almost giving your dad a heart attack. Your mother knew that no matter what you'd have sex with him one day because he was your soulmate! You were his imprint! So she trusted you both. In fact she trusted you so much she left a condom on the coffee table for him!

You weren't made aware of this fact so the condom was left in plain view when Jared arrived.

"Come in!" You said walking through your living room. He smiled. "So your dads cool with this?" He asked and you nodded.

"He likes you!" Jared smiled. "Well he likes the fact your a werewolf!" You added. He frowned. "He told me no funny business!" He said walking over to you.

"Oh really." You said smiling. "Really." He said caging you with his giant arms. "But I think a little funny business wouldn't hurt!" He said stealing a kiss.

After a couple of minutes of kissing you went over to the sofa to watch TV. All Jared could think about was how badly he wanted to touch you, sadly for the pack they heard all of it.

"Can you just stop!" He received texts like that while you were in the kitchen. "Just have sex! Stop being such a creep!" Paul texted him. "I don't think she wants to." Was his reply.

You came back in so he out his phone away. You put his drink down on the table, covering the condom you didn't know was left there. When Jared reached for it the condom caught his eye.

"Y/N what's this?" He said smirking as he held the condom. "Wow you come pretty prepared!" You said laughing. "I didn't bring it, you left it on the table." He said looking confused.

You thought for a second and realised this was probably your mothers doing! You sighed. "Sorry, I'll just-" you went to take it but he just wrapped his arm around you.

"What's the rush?" He said smirking. The next thing you knew you were throwing your clothes to the floor as Jared mimicked your actions.

He threw you onto your bed and stared at you for a minute before attacking your lips once again.

"Did you remember the condom?" You asked as he sighed. He quickly got up, his hand covering his boys and ran downstairs to get it. He quickly rushed back up and in a matter of seconds was back on top of you.

"Are you ready?" He asked as you nodded. He slowly entered you, giving you time to adjust before thrusting into you.

You whined from pleasure, only turning him on more! He pumped and pumped and pumped until you were screaming his name.

"Jared!" You yelled. "Y/N" he yelled back. You had both hit your Peek and we're now laying next to eachother.

"That was-" you butted in. "The pack couldn't hear all of that right?" You asked remembering they read each others thoughts. Jared went silent. "Jared!" You yelled chasing him with just the bed sheets wrapped around you.

I finally wrote another one!
Remember to use a condom!😉

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now