Sam: ignored

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Your feelings for Sam Ulley were completely mutual, even though you both found each other attractive. But when the lovable runt phased for the first time he found himself oddly attracted to you, not just physically but emotionally, like something was pulling him to you and you felt the same way.

If only you knew he was a shapeshifter.

Ever since sam learned of his new abilities and burning passion for you he stayed away. In fact he refused to even acknowledge you!

"You could just talk to him," your best friend said she copied your homework. "And say what? I'm in love with you but I can't explain why?" You frowned, "that's stupid." She sighed.

You looked over at Sam and saw him sat with a new bunch of friends, very attractive friends.

"If you don't hurry, you know she'll get her claws in him." You smirked as your friend stared daggers at Megan Cameron, she was beautiful and every boy at school wanted her but for some reason she wanted Sam.

"How do I tell him?" Your friend shrugged, "go ask somebody who's been in a stable relationship." She said sounding bitter which amused you.

"Listen, if you've really got such a strong, and slightly creepy, connection to him then just tell him how you feel!" Your best friend was being pretty smart for once!

"But he's been avoiding me." You said making her sigh. "Either you tell him you love him or I will!" She yelled making a few people look at you. "Shhhh, shut up!" You said worried he'd hear.

Later that day you decided that you were going to confess your feelings for Sam, what was the worse thing that could happen? He ignores them and ditches you? Already did that!

As the final bell rang you stood out of your seat and walked down to Sam's locker where he was stood.

"Good luck!" Your best friend said while giving you a thumbs up.

"Sam can I talk to you?" You said making Sam turn around to look at you. The happiness in his eyes as he saw you confused you because he looked at you as if he loved you, yet he ignored you!

When he didn't say anything you decided to just say it. "I think I lov-" you were cut off when Megan popped up out of nowhere.

"There you are babe!" She said before kissing his lips. Your heart stung and you felt as if your stomach was being twisted in to two.

You couldn't manage the words anymore- in fact you couldn't say anything, you just walked away and let the tears flow.

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