Jocob black: asking you out

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"Bye Mr.Black." You shouted and waved him goodbye. After taking him back home from his shopping trick you were asked to stay for a while and you did. You helped put away his things, kept him company while Jake left and even cooked his dinner.

You searched through your bag looking for you cell when you had realised you had left it back at the Black residence. You quickly turned around and ran back. It only took you a couple of minutes until you were finally there. You knocked on the door but no one answered so you peeked through the windows, even though you knew you shouldn't.

"Hey." Said a rugged voice you were pretty familiar with. You quickly spin around and saw Jacob stood with the same guys as earlier. "O-oh hi." You said embarrassed. "You okay?" He asked giving you a soft smile and you nodded. "I-I left my phone inside and your dad didn't answer so I thought maybe-" you stopped talking as you noticed the guys behind you smirking.

"What?" You simply said blushing and smiling. "I-it's nothing." Said Jake who was covering his red cheeks. He opened the front door and gestured for you to go inside where your phones sat next to a sleeping Billy. You chuckled as he snored.

"He already ate?" Jacob said to himself but you replied. "Oh yeah I cooked for him." You said exiting the house. Jacob hurried over to you and smiled. "Thanks." He said but you just nodded. "We're going, see you later." Said one of the boys, you waved and Jacob said "later."

Now it was just the two of you. He came closer to you can cupped you cheek, making you blush even more. He sighed and let go. You frowned. 'Was he going to kiss you? Did he just chicken out and not kiss you? Why didn't he kiss you?' Was all you thought. "Goodnight." He said turning to walk back into his house but you grabbed his hand and pulled him back to you.

"What?" He said but you just frowned. "Kiss me then!" You said crossing your arms. He blushed but quickly smirked. "What?" He said loving the moment. You on the other hand just realised what you said and gasped. Your face turned 20 different shades of red and quickly covered your face with your hands.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked. You looked up. "F-for my dads sake-" he said and you smiled, slightly disheartened by the last comment. "And for me too." He said making you smile from cheek to cheek.

You couldn't believe you had demanded he kiss you and you certainly couldn't believe he asked you out. Maybe every thing was going your way?

So this ones really crappy but well I don't really like Jacob that much! Wait no don't shoot me! I love him to bits but I'm over him, I guess I prefer the other werewolves!

Thanks for readings!❤️

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