Quil: ignored

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Being best friends with Quil was possibly one of the biggest mistakes you'd ever made! Hardly anyone spoke to you because you were friends with him, you had to put up with his terrible jokes and the worst part of all was that once he became hot he completely ignored you.

It started with him missing more and more school, his parents said he was "ill" but you knew that wasn't true when you saw him cliff diving with his new friends.

He completely changed and you hated it. If you tried to talk to him he never noticed and completely ignored you so you did the one thing you could do and ignored him!

If you saw him in school you would turn around and act like you didn't but you knew he never noticed because he never noticed you anymore.

"Stupid piece of shit!" You cursed as your truck broke down and you were forced to get out into the pouring rain to take a look at what was wrong.

That's when a group of boys came running out of nowhere to help. "You alright?" The biggest one asked, you recognised him as Sam Ulley.

"Got some car trouble?" Another one asked but you ignored them all because these were the guys responsible for taking Quil away from you.

"Get lost." You said as you noticed Quil stood behind the rest, looking down slightly. "Fine," another said before they all turned around to walk away from you.

You couldn't keep it in, the words begging to be let go just couldn't be held in side anymore so when you looked over at Quils retreating figure you lost it.

"You're an idiot!" You yelled making them all stop. "Excuse me?" Jacob said looking more than confused. "You're the biggest, stupidest dork I've ever met and I wish I never met you!" You yelled confusing them even more.

Quil just frowned before walking away and ignoring you once again, leaving you in the cold rain.

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