||Embry Call: Bedroom||

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You were sat there arguing with Jared about which was the better sports team. "You get so defensive!" Jared teased. "That's probably because she ain't getting any!" Paul joked.

You looked over at Embry who clearly didn't like that comment. "I mean little Embry's to shy to give it to her!" The boys continued until Embry stood up and growled.

He quickly walked out. "Nice one!" Sam said hitting the two boys. "I'll go get him." You said getting up and walking out. "Be careful," same warned you but you knew he was harmless.

You found Embry getting in his truck so you got in. The entire ride was silent and you wound up at his place.

Embry stormed out of the car and up to his room so you followed. "Just ignore them Embry!" You said shutting the door behind you. "They don't know anything!" You said trying to reassure him.

Suddenly you were pushed against the door as Embry passionately kissed you. His hands travelled down to your shorts and he reached inside. "Ahh-" you let out as Embry started to pleasure you.

He picked you up and moved to kissing your neck. "Don't leave any marks!" You warned him as he continued working his hand away.

You continued to let out mini moans but that wasn't enough. Embry threw you on to the bed and quickly took off your shorts.

You slowly removed his and he brought your fave to his abs. You started kissing them and licking them, going lower and lower until Embry grunted.

You quickly took off your underwear as he did to and the next thing you know he grabbed you and stood up. He pushed you up against the wall and kissed you.

Embry picked you up and started sucking on your chest. Your hand shot to his head. He slowly thruster into you and kept going.

You held onto his hair as your boyfriend continued to make you moan. He kept you there against the wall, the only thing supporting you were his arms.

"Faster-" you let out as you could feel yourself hitting your peak. Embry did as instructed and went faster. Your nails dragged down his back as you let out another moan.

The next day you turned up at Sam and Emily's with your boyfriend. "What's that Hun?" Emily asked. When you looked in the mirror you saw a large love bite where Embry had been sucking on your neck last night.

Your cheeks went bright red so Emily took you to the bathroom to hell you cover it. "Big deal, doesn't mean they had sex!" Paul said.

"And even if they did it doesn't mean it was good sex!" Jared said smirking. Embry just shrugged before taking off his shirt and turning around to reveal scratch marks covering his body.

"Seth cover your eyes." Sam joked as Paul and Embry were sat shocked.


I was so looking forward to writing this one!

People asked for It to be really sexual so how was it?

Thanks for reading!

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