Jacob: you save him

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!! This is before he turns !!

"So then I told him that he could go-" you pretended l listen to your friend but you really weren't interested in her story about her shitty boyfriend so you looked around the car park and noticed Jacob stood talking with his friends.

He was so handsome, they all were but you really liked Jacob.
He was so interested in the conversation he was having with his friend that he didn't take notice in anything else.

"I'll see you later!" He said waving as he went to cross to the other side to get to his truck. You noticed the car coming towards him but he didn't. It was shooting towards him, speeding uncontrollably and he didn't even realise.

You reacted before you had a chance to think and before you knew it you were running across the road to him. "Y/N!" Your friend screamed as the car was inches away from the two of you.

Your body crashed into Jacobs, pushing him with all your might and just in time as the car only just missed the two of you.

You smacked down onto the hard ground, both of you hurting yourself son the way down but only gaining a few scratches.

"Look where you're going!" You yelled as you released the breath you'd been holding as you saved him. "I-I'm sorry!" He yelled back, it took him a second to realise what you'd just done for him.

"Thank you- I really owe you." He said getting up and offering you a hand. The whole car park was around you now, cheering your name when you stood up. "It's fine I guess." You said as he thanked you again.

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