Sam: accident 2

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It was a stunning summers day. It was boiling hot out and you'd all decided to have a BBQ. Sam was cooking the food, the boys were playing football and you were carrying a stack of paper plates to the table so you'd be ready for food.

That's when Quil kicked the ball a little too hard and it came pelting towards the house window. Everyone froze and waited for the shattering sound of broken glass but luckily for them you'd caught the ball just as it was about to hit the window.

"Holy crap Y/N!" Jared said shocked. "That was so cool!" Seth fan girled for a moment. "Sam did you just see that?" You said proudly. "Good catch!" He said while patting your head as if you were a child.

"Thanks-" you said feeling like a baby. You walked back into the house to help the other imprints bring things outside.

"Dude did you just pat her head?" Paul laughed. "Smooth!" Jared teased while poor Sam went bright red at his stupidity.


How was this?

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