Embry: lemon

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You hummed a tune as you turned on the hot water, it came gushing down from out of the shower head and running down your body. You had only been in the shower for about 5 minutes when you felt your lovers body press up against yours, has arms loosely rapping themselves around your waist.

"Nah uh, this shower is occupado buddy!" You said sarcastically while rubbing the shampoo out of your hair. "C'mon this showers big enough for two." He said nuzzling your neck. You giggled before allowing him to join you, well with your permission now.

You continued to wash your body, even though your boyfriend was grabbing whatever he could, mainly your chest. "Aren't you on patrol today?" You asked teasingly. "Yeah," he said kissing the nape of your neck. "But not until another two hours." He said with a smirk.

"Do you know what we could do in two hours?" Embry asked as his hand slowly slipped from your breasts, moving down to your southern region. "Umm bake a cake?" You teased. That's when Embrh decided to tease you.

His fingers went to work, slowly rubbing at your clit while his mouth laid kisses all over your shoulders. You let a small moan escape your lips. Embry decided to take it further and slipped a single finger into you, moving it slowly so you got wet.

Once you were ready for him he pulled his fingers out and turned you to face him. "Shall I show you what we can do in two hours?" You nodded and that's when Embry lifted your left leg and plunged his large member into you.

You grabbed hold of him, using him as support as he quickened his pace. Even though he was rushing he managed to hit your G-spot with every thrust earning him moan after moan.

"Is that good?" He asked, by now he was completely holding you up as your legs gave in due to the immense pleasure he was making you feel. You just nodded, afraid of the noise that would escape your lips if you answered him.

"I didn't hear you?" He asked. "Is it good?" With that he went harder, making you scream his name as your body was filled with more lust than before. Embry couldn't help but groan due to the pleasurable noise you had made.

Embry picked you up, which worried you slightly as you were more likely to slip now. He wrapped your legs around him, making it easier for him to thrust into you. His thrust were deep and quick, he was clearly trying to cum.

You started to move withy him now, your arousal taking over you. Embry groaned before speaking in a deep voice "stop moving." You did as he to,d you and that's when he out his thumb on your clit and rubbed it.

He thrusted harder and faster while playing with your lower area, making your body go limp before he tighten knot in your stomach released and you creamed his name, alerting him you had cum.

"Hang in there baby girl, it's my turn now." He said as he kept thrusting to make himself cum. You just berried your head in his neck, enjoying each moment of your shower.


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