Sam Uley: asking you out

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"I'm not joking!" He said chuckling as he told you some ridiculous story. You just shook your head and giggled. "So how was work?" He asked keeping the conversation going but you just shrugged and sighed. "They're laying me off." You said and Sam looked shocked. "What? Why?" He said looking at you. "Not enough customers I guess." You said trying to keep smiling. "I mean in all honesty I hated working there." You said. "Then why do you look like you were just given some bad news?" He asked but once again you just shrugged.

After Sam walked you home you waved good bye and he left. You just sat down and sighed for what seemed like the tenth time today. "What am I expecting?" You said to yourself. You see, you really wanted to be more than Sam's friend but you knew that was a stupid thought. I mean you were a lady now, not some love stricken teenager with raging emotions and stuff.

The next day you were up bright and early thanks to someone knocking your door. How annoying! You thought to yourself. You quickly threw on your dressing gown and went to see who was pestering you at such a time. When you opened the door you saw Sam smiling to himself. "Mornin." He said grinning at your sleepy expression. "Sam?" You said opening the door wider to let him in. "I was wondering if you felt like doing something today?" He said scratching the back of his neck. You chuckled because he reminded you of well a younger boy asking out some girl.

"Is that a no?" He said slightly frowning. You shook your head. "I'll be ready in a second, make yourself at home." You said gesturing to the sofa. He nodded and you quickly rushed to your room.

Once you entered your room you were mortified to see your reflection. Your hair was fuzzy and out of control, your eyes drooping and one of your cheeks were bright red from laying on it all night. You quickly hopped into the shower and did your morning ritual, just a lot faster.

Finally you exited your bedroom to find Sam awkwardly sat on your couch. His eyes instantly lit up when they saw you and he quickly stood. "Stunning." He said but you didn't quite catch him. "Ready?" You said and he nodded, while concealing a blush.

After a short drive to the residential area, you were met with a stunning beach. The sky was slightly clouded but blue peaked through, the sand was hot and the water was just beautiful. "Wow!" You said admiring everything. "Like it?" He said with his hands in his pocket, you nodded. "Sam its stunning!" You said. He just smiled.

After walking on the hot sand and enjoying the heat against your skin you decided to go to the water, only where the waves just about met with the beach. You took off your sandals and paddled your feet. Sam smirked at you. "What?" You said smiling. "Nothing just.." He paused and suddenly splashed you. "AHHH!" You shouted as the cold water hit your bear skin.

"Oh no you didn't!" You said smirking and frowning at the same time. Sam just shrugged and laughed but you quickly wiped that smile off his face when you sent a bunch of water at him. "You!" He said looking mad. He began chasing you and you screamed as you ran.

He quickly got up to you and grabbed hold of your wrist, while doing this it sent shivers through your body, the kind that just made you crave for more! "Got you!" He said but before you knew it he had tripped over and pushed you into the water, a little wave crashing now over you two as he shielded your head. "C-crap!" He said instantly regretting his decision to grab hold of you. "I'm so sorry!" He said but was surprised to see you laughing. You hadn't laughed like that for a while now and well it just filled Sam with joy to see you that happy, especially from something he did.

He quickly helped you up and you sighed with pleasure. "Will you-" he said but quickly shut himself up. "Huh?" You said. "I-I was just going back to ask you if, ya'know maybe you'd like to go out some time?" He said. "What are we doing now?" You said smiling and looking around. He shook his head. "I- mean as - as a couple.." He said and your heart did a flip in your chest. You nodded. "So is that a yes?" He said pulling you closer, each touch sending sparks through your body. Once again you nodded. Not able to speak from fear your voice would shout out in joy. Sam lowered his lips to meet yours but was shocked to feel a soaked hand shove water in his face.

"You!" He shouted and you screamed and giggled. He once again chased you and you 'ran' away, waiting for him to grab hold of you again.

So how did you like it? This is probably my favourite Sam chapter so I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading guys! If you have any requests feel free to ask!😊

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