Seth: bad ass

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"Hey," Seth said wrapping his arms around you. You smiled at him as you put your books in your locker. "So I was thinking-" Quil said going on about something to the other pack members who were all surrounding you.

You couldn't help but notice two students picking on some guy. He clearly didn't want any trouble and even tried walking away but the girl just pulled him back and slammed him into the wall.

You frowned. "Leave it," Seth said noticing your reaction. "Poor kid," Paul said not really caring for the boy.

"Dork!" The girl said before pushing him to the ground and emptying his bag onto the flood.

That was the final straw.

You shrugged Seth's arm off your shoulder and walked towards the bully's who hadn't noticed you yet.

You barges past the girl, making her frown at you. "Need a hand up?" You said offering your hand to the boy on the floor.

He gladly accepted it and you continued to help pick his things up.

"Did I say you could get up?" The girl said before knocking his things down once again.

"Leave him alone!" You yelled stepping in front of him. "Make me!" The girl said squaring up to you.

You don't know what it was- maybe a maternal instinct or just your hatred for bully's, but you pushed her up against some lockers, gripping her collar.

"Don't tempt me!" You growled making her stutter in fear. "Say you're sorry!" You said pushing her further into the lockers, if that were possible.

"I-I'm sorry!" She stuttered. "now if I ever see you picking on him again, I won't be so nice!" You said letting her go.

Once she had run away, cowering in fear you helped him pick his things up again. "Thanks," he said smiling at you.

When you walked back over to the pack you could see them all staring at you.

"What?" You asked making Jared back up. "Nothing!" He said raising his hand in defence. "I don't like bullies!" You said walking away.

"You got your hands full there kid!" Paul said making Seth smirk at your disappearing figure.


God I hate bully's!

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