Collin: stressed

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Collin sighed once again as he pressed the pen against his head. Ever since he's turned he'd slowly started missing more and more school, failing each class as he did so.

"You've got one last chance, if you don't pass his maths exam you're in during the summer." His teacher spat at him.

"I'm never gunna get this!" Collin said getting angry. You put your phone down and got off his bed to help him.
"It's simple-" you were cut off by the death stare Collin have you.

"Sorry-" you said realising it wasn't his fault. "No, I'm sorry." He said looking back at his paper. "I'm so stupid!" He said leaning back in his chair. You shook your head at him.

"Why did I have to turn!" He said looking hopeless. "For me," you winked making him smile.

You looked at all the work he had done so far and smiled, he needed a distraction before continuing so you pushed him off the chai and jumped onto him.

"What are you-" he was cut off when you started to tickle him, making him scream like a little kid. "St- stop!" He chuckled.

You asked him a relatively difficult question making him stare at you in confusion before wriggling around again. "I don't know!" He cried out.

"Answer Collin!" You yelled as you tickled faster. "Y=53-78" he said shocking you. "That's right! Simplify it!" You said continuing to tickle him. "Y=-25!" He said making you stop.

"Next question!" You said proudly as you continued to tickle him.

Thanks to you, Collin got a B!

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