What he gets you for yout birthday

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Sam: a car! Sam payed for you to get a new car! You couldn't believe it but there it was, sitting in front of your house!

Jared: this little cutie saved and saved and saved to get you a stunning dress that you wanted!

Paul: since all you ever see is those pictures of girls with their giant teddy bears off their boyfriends on Facebook,  you really wanted one so that's what you got!

Jacob: Jacob threw you a surprise birthday party with the pack and all of your friends, it was the best night ever!

Embry: your boyfriend made you a cake for your birthday, that's right, he stayed up all night trying to bake you a cake! It was a little burnt and kind of inedible but you loved it!

Seth: this lovable little dog got you a little tiny kitten! It was black with a little white patch on his chest!

Quil: sure Quil got you some beautiful flowers for your birthday but you were in love with the little card he gave you, with all his feelings written down for you, gosh he could be a romantic!

Brady: Brady saved all his money from his Saturday job and payed for the two of you to have a romantic meal, just the two of you!

Collin: since he had no idea what to get you, he let his sister help so you ended up with a very pretty heart shaped necklace with little diamond in the middle!



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