★Jacob: he turns★

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Drawing was one of your skills, it was something you were very good at and you loved to draw things you found in the forest. So for your Saturday you decided to go to the forest, further than most people go to see the untouched nature.

You took out your pencil and began sketching a bird in a tree. Before you had chance to finish the bird flew off. "Damn it!" You said to yourself.

The next thing you knew a large group or humongous wolves ran past you. Frozen in fear the only thing you could do was scream which only alerted the wolves of your presence.

The sandy brown one almost looked recognisable but you knew that you didn't know any wolves. It slowly came closer to you, looking rather excited to see you until the black one growled lowly as if talking.

The wolf froze a few steps in front of you and bowed it's head, the last thing you'd expected was for the wolf to slowly morph into Jacob!

"There's something I need to tell you." He said before you fainted.


This was rushed and I am sorry!

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