How you know him

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Sam: you met Sam when he dropped in at your shop almost every day to buy food. You found it comical how this guy could eat so much and keep such an amazing figure!

One thing led to another and he finally introduced himself to you and since then you haven't been able to stay away from him, nor he you.

Jared: you met Jared when you were around the age of 8. You had recently moved to the reserve with your parents because they wanted to go back to their home.

You never really spoke to him even though you were in the same classes for eight years!
Finally after about six years of finding him attractive he finally spoke to you! He was a nervous wreck but you liked that side of him!

Paul: you were Sam Ulley's little sister!
When you were 9 you were shipped off to a really good boarding school where you could get a great education but that meant missing out on your brother and other family's life's.

When you turned 17 you finally came back home to La push and met Paul say Sam and his finances house. He couldn't take his eyes off you and soon you found out about wolfs and imprints!

Embry: you were Jacobs sister so you knew Embry since you could remember! He was always there with Jake until he started hanging around with the Ulley crew! You were so mad that you just drove to his house to yell at him for ignoring you all now that he was "cool" but you couldn't!

He took one look at you and instantly begged for your forgiveness. You forgave him and things went back to usual, just this time you got more friends and a boyfriend!

Seth: you are Paul's little sister, you lived with your mother while Paul lived with your dad. When you turned 16 your mother decided it would be best for you to live with your dad, since she was too busy with work to really take care of you.

You went to live with your brother and father and soon met Seth! Paul wasn't happy, obviously but that didn't stop you two from hanging out all the time.

Quil: you didn't have a clue who this guy was! Not a single clue! You worked at the local bar, it was a pretty crappy job but he pay was okay.

One night he walked in and wouldn't take his eyes off of you. Pretty soon you found out that he went to the same school you did and he promised not to tell them your real age so you could keep your job. He used terrible pick up lines on you but you just couldn't help but fall for his charm.

Brady: your mother and his mother were best friends so naturally you grew up together! You were pretty close to the guy until he changed. You hadn't talked in weeks in fact you hadn't even seen him!

One night he saw you and just smiled. The next day he turned up at your front door with a rose and a smug look on his face that you wanted to kiss.

Colin: he was in the same class as you! You liked him and he liked you but for a couple of weeks he wasn't there.

You were pretty worried so you went to his house to drop of some homework and then you saw it. He changed into a wolf! You passed out and later woke up in his room with him apologising, saying he'd never hurt you because you were his "imprint," whatever that meant!

You met Leah when you were kids. She was in your class and wouldn't stop staring at you.

You became best friends and eventually more than that!
How were they? I liked writing theses!

Which one was your favourite?

Also I know that they're different from the first bunch of how you met but I just like different scenarios!

Also did you notice that I put in Quil?
Do you guys want Quil? I might start putting him in future ones!

Thanks for reading!❤️
Oh and also thank you all so much for 8k reads! And over 100 votes! This is crazy!❤️

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