Sam: ignored pt2

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It had been days since you last saw Sam, days since you last went to school or ate a proper meal. You felt stupid for letting your simple school girl crush affect you this much but it actually hurt watching him with her.

You finally left your room when you heard a knock at your door. "Y/N it's me!" Your best friend said so you opened the door, she stood there with a bag full of junk food and an apologetic look on her face as she barged past you to go sit on your couch.

"If you're gunna ditch class then I'll join you!" She said making your heart ache slightly less.

So you sat down with her and stuffed your face as you watched countless movies that seemed to bore you, even though you once loved them.

Your best friend sighed before taking the chocolate out of your hands and putting it down on the table. "Let's talk." She said making you look away.

Talk? Why would you want to talk about the love of your life connecting lips with another girl?

"Listen-" you shook your head. "Please don't tell me to get over it because I promise you that I can't! I have this sickeningly painful feeling in my chest and no matter what I do it won't go away!" She looked heart broken for you.

"I know that-" you frowned, then what could she possibly want to talk about. "Which is why I invited him here." That's when the doorbell rang.

"Invited who?" You knew who she was talking about and the butterfly's in your belly did flips at the thought of him being there but at the same time you really didn't want him here with you.

"I'm going upstairs, talk to him." She said leaving you alone on the sofa, even taking the junk food with her!

You shakily opened the front door, looking at the boy stood in front of you. "Can I come in?" You nodded, the words were stuck in your throat.

Sam went over to the sofa where you had been having a pity party by yourself for the past few days.

Sam could see the obvious tear marks left on your cheeks from the pain he had caused you and honestly it broke him inside but he couldn't tell you that.

There was silence- absolute silence for a few moments until you spoke up. "How's Megan?" That hurt to say. Sam looked down. "Fine I guess," he said in a low, ashamed voice.

"So you two are-" you paused to swallow the lump in your throat. "Dating?" Your eyes became glassy, filling up with tears.

Sam sighed. "I'm so happy for-" he cut you off. "Stop it!" This was the first time you'd ever heard him yell.

"Stop acting like you're okay! Stop pretending to be strong! Don't act like I didn't hurt you!" You looked down this time.

"If you l-" you couldn't say it, for gods sake you barely knew the guy but physically couldn't talk about him loving another girl.

"No- I love you." That was it, instinctively you kissed him, as if you were a pair of wild animals. "I can only love you." Your heart melted as he said those words.

That's when you heard your best friend screeching from excitement! "I'm so happy!" She screamed as she ran out of the house.

"-" you didn't know how to explain that so just asked the one question playing on your mind. "Then why did you kiss her?"

"To protect you- as soon as I realised you were my imprint I didn't want to mix you up in my world! I couldn't do it." You frowned. "Your world?" And that's when he told you what he was.

But honestly as long as he was here with you, holding you, looking at you and speaking to you, you couldn't care less!

"I don't care- I'd rather be in danger than be pushed away from you so please- please don't push me away! It hurts so much!" Sam pulled you into his arms.

"I'll never do it again, you're all mine now."


I love this song!

And BOOM! I wouldn't leave such a sad story unfinished'

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