Sam: movie cliche

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"When?" Sam asked, his arms crossed as he leant against the doorway. "The 4th of October." You said avoiding his eyes. "Why?" He asked. "There's nothing keeping me here anymore Sam!" You see since your parents passed away you decided there was no reason for you to stay in forks anymore. "Unless you can give me a reason to stay?"

You see you and Sam Ulley had always had this odd connection that nobody was able to understand, not even yourself. You wanted him so badly and sometimes it seemed like he wanted you but it just never happened.

Sam didn't speak, he just looked down, avoiding you at all costs. "Goodbye Sam." You said walking out of his house and getting into your truck.

Sam kept playing the moment over and over again in his head. He really should of just confessed how he felt but instead he left you leave, losing you forever.

"Alright," Jared said walking into Sam's house. "Get up!" He said trying to be stern. "What are you doing here?" Sam asked sounding annoyed to see his pack members. "You're really just gunna let her go?" Paul asked. When Sam didn't speak up Paul shook his head. "She's your imprint right?" Jared asked making Sam nods slightly. "So why the hell are you letting her walk away?" He shouted at his alpha.

"She doesn't want to be here anymore." Sam said. "But she asked for a reason to stay?" Paul said. "She wants you to make her stay damn it!" Sam just looked down at his hands. Embry had remained silent for the duration of the conversation but now he had to speak up.

"You're pathetic." He said shocking everyone. "So you you understand how unbelievably lucky you are to find her?" Embry still didn't have his imprint so to see Sam letting his go pissed the younger wolf off.

"It's too late now!" Embry laughed. "Get up and go get her!" Sam stood to his feet and looked up at the clock. He didn't even know what time your flight was but before he knew it he was running out of the door like a crazed animal.

"Go get her!" Jared shouted with a smirk on his face.

Sam lived pretty far from the airport but that didn't stop him. He ran as fast as he could and believe me it was fast! He thought about turning to get there faster but  voted against the idea.

When Sam finally got to the airport he ran to the desk and begged to know what flight you were on but the women on duty wouldn't listen to him so he decided to find you himself.

"Y/N?" He held as he noticed you pick up your suitcase and walk to one of the doors to board your flight. You turned to see him stood there and that's when he bolted over to you, covered in sweat from his very long run.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" You said confused. "Dot go!" Was all he said as he grabbed your hand. "What? I-" you were cut off. "I'm begging you don't leave me! You wanted a reason to stay then stay for me!" You froze. "But if you really wanna leave this place then let me come with you!"

"Why?" Was all you managed to say. "Because I can't live with out you!" He said. That was it. You dropped your suitcase and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.

This was all you'd ever wanted to hear from him!

Extra: "uh Sam where's your car?" Sam smirked. "Looks like we're walking!"


1. I know this breaks so many rules because he would never leave his imprint alone but just pretend!

2. So you guys get the name?

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