Jared: Accident

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You sighed from boredom, Jared was giving all his attention to the movie he had put on  but you were utterly bored and had nothing to do. You sighed again hoping he'd understand the message but he didn't even look at you so now you decided to make him give you attention.

You stoop up, positioning yourself ready to get his attention. "What are you doing?" Jared said not even looking away from the television and that's when you struck. You pounced onto him, tickling him and forcing him to squirm about uncontrollably while you attacked him.

Jared soon over powered you though and the two of you began play fighting, which was exactly what you wanted.

The play fighting went back and forth, sometimes you dominating and winning but usually with him pinning you and trying to tickle you but seeing how small you were to him it was easy to slip out of his grip.

Jared finally managed to pin you to the floor, since the two of you had fallen off the sofa. He held your arms about your head with one of his hands and began to tickle your rib cage... Big mistake!

Since you couldn't help but fight, kick and laugh as he did this, you need up kneeing him in the balls very hard. Jared let out a gasp of air before falling onto his side and clutching his man hood. "Owwwww!" He said in a high pitched voice.

You instantly apologised but did find it fair punishment since he tickled you.


This is funny but please remember not to hit a guy in that area!!

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