||Paul Lahoye: danger||

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"Hey Emily." You said walking into your brothers house. "Hey Hun." She said pulling some muffins out of the oven. "Cooking again?" You said smirking and she nodded. You were unaware that your brother was a werewolf and completely oblivious to the wolves you spent most of your time with. Even though you didn't know they were wolves you did know that they ate a lot.

Soon enough your brother walked into the room, followed by his little crew of hotties. You smiled and sat down at the table. You smiled at Jared, Seth, Quil, Embry and Jacob. You had grown close to them all since you had moved back here, after your parents divorce. Suddenly Paul came in through the front door and instantly frowned at you.

You didn't know why but he really didn't like you, it wasn't even as if you'd properly spoken to him. You ignored Paul and started talking to Seth. You were a year or two older than him but he was such a little sweetie!

You laughed at one of his little jokes and nudged his arm as you giggled. Suddenly Paul threw the little ornament on the fire place at the wall, instantly smashing it. All eyes were now on him as he shook ferociously. "Paul outside now!" Shouted your brother running over to him with Jared. He just ignored them and focused his eyes on you and Seth.

"P-Paul?" You said confused but hearing you say his name didn't help. He growled and lunged forward. "Hun get back!" Shouted Emily grabbing hold of your hand. You looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes. "What?" You said but before any one answered you Jacob shouted for Seth to get away from you and Seth quickly obliged.

Paul was being dragged outside but was putting up a fight. For some reason he was trying to get at Seth. You were petrified as you saw your brother drag the usually silent, grumpy Paul out of the door. "Seth." You said walking over to him but for some reason he pushed you away and shook his head. "I think we should stay away from each other for a while." He said smiling but You just shook your head. "Wha-what?" You said but he just walked away.

You ran outside when you heard Sam shout for Paul to calm down but you were mortified when you stepped out of the front door. A large grey wolf stood between the boys and growled ferociously. "S-Sam.." You stuttered. Suddenly the wolf lunged towards you and fear glued your ridged body to the ground bellow you.

So I will be making this into a book! If you like it then feel free to go and read the book once I have published it!😉

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