Paul: stress

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When Paul first moved to La Push he had little to no friends, a divorced family and a slight anger problem so when he started to phase he couldn't help but fight any guy that spoke to him.

You continued writing up your paper about American history when you heard a tap at your window, you went over to investigate only find Paul throwing pebbles at it.

You opened it up, giving him access in.
"What's wrong pa-" you turned around to see him covered in bruises.

"What- what happened to you?" You weren't aware of his wolf ability and didn't know about the pack so seeing him this beat up just didn't make sense!

"I got into a fight," was all he said. Of course the werewolves could heal pretty fast but the beating Paul had been given during training was enough to make you sick.

"What kind of animal did this to you?" You yelled, angry that someone would hurt him.

"Just forget about it." You frowned. "Forget about it? How the hell do I do that? You can't just turn up at my house after a fight Paul and tell me to forget about it!" You were yelling now, luckily for you it was just you home.

"I'm sorry-" Paul said sounding apologetic. Since you didn't know he was a shape shifter you didn't know you were his imprint, you also didn't know that yelling at him made him feel terrible.

"Come here," you said wrapping your arms around him, careful not to hurt his bruises- well not that he'd feel it.

"From now on you're not allowed to leave my side!" You said before going and kissing each and every single bruise you could see on his body.

"Missed one-" he joked as he pointed to his groin. You chuckled before hitting him over the head.

God this boy could stress you out but then again he always knew how to calm you down!


So this one is different because you're the one getting stressed!

I liked this one and I really hope you did too!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now