||Sam Ulley: danger||

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"Why not?" You asked Sam as he laid down on the sofa. "Because." He said as if that was a sufficient answer. "Because why?" You said getting annoyed. "Because I don't want you to stay over tonight!" He snapped at me. "What!" You said more of a statement than a question. He sighed and went to look at me but you just grabbed your bag and stormed out of his front door. "Honey wait up!" He shouted walking out of the house. "No!" You said heading for your truck.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!" He said taking hold of my hand. His touch always gave you tingles but not today. You pulled away and frowned. "Don't touch me!" You said, your voice laced with poison. "Why don't you go back inside and wait for whoever it is your trying to stop me from meeting!" You said fully aware that You couldn't stay because he was having company tonight.

The thought of another woman touching him made you feel physically sick! "What?" He said looking shocked that you figured it out. "Enjoy your time with whatever skank you've got staying with you tonight!" You said trying your hardest not to cry at the thought.

"You enjoy spending time with your slut while I go and enjoy myself with another guy!" You shouted. "What!" He yelled looking mad. "Don't you dare!" He said scowling at you. "You can't stop me!" You said. "I'll go and find some hotty and let him do whatever he wants!" He was clearly mad now and he started shaking.

"Sam?" You said confused. "I won't let anyone else have you!" He said, his shaking getting more violent. "Your mine and I won't let any guy touch you! I'll kill them before they get the chance to!" He yelled that part, making you flinch.

Fear was clearly written all over your face as he shook and yelled. His breathing was heavy and ragged, his muscles where all tensed up and his eyes looked like- well terrifying! "Sam!" Shouted one of the boys running up. Suddenly they were all there trying to drag him away. "What's going on?" You demanded to know. "Quickly Quil get her inside! He's gunna phase!" Said the one you thought was Jared. Before you could protest and ask about phasing you were thrown over Quils shoulder and taken back to the house.

There was a loud roar and suddenly it all died down. When you looked out the window they were all gone?

How was this one? Ow no he almost hurt you! Now I know that they try not to hurt you and keep you happy but we'll just look at Emily...

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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