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You're body shook as the pale vampire came closer to you. He sniffed at your neck. "Delicious," was all he said.

"She smells of a wolf James, leave her!" The darker vampire knew that messing with a wolfs mate was basically suicide so he tried to warn the other blood sucker.

"Interesting," the blond haired leach said. "I wonder how you'll taste." He said opening his mouth to reveal his large fangs.

Your breath hitches in your throat as you heard Jacob yell your name. "They're here!" The dreadlocked bloodsucker said before vanishing.

"We'll meet again," the vampire said before leaving, he left before Jacob and the others could get to him.

"Seth, Quil, Paul take her back to Sam's and don't take your eyes off her!" Jacob growled.

"Where are you going?" You asked grabbing his arm. "To kill that leach before he even thinks of coming near you again!" Before you could argue, Jacob was gone and so were the other pack members.

So who would you of picked? James or Jacob?
I mean either would be great looks wise but since James is a psycho that would most likely try to kill and eat me I'd probably pick Jacob...

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now