Quil: movie cliche

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"So if you divide it by 12 what do you get?" You asked while flicking your pencil between your fingers. You looked up when Quil didn't answer you. "Quil!" You yelled when you noticed he was playing on his phone.

"What?" He said as if he'd done nothing wrong. "You asked me to help you study so study!" Quil moaned. "It's too difficult!" He whined. "Well if you turned off your phone then maybe you'd understand it!" You said as you snatched his phone away from him.

"Fine." He pouted. "But studying like this isn't going to help me!" He said making you sigh. "What will help you then?" He smirked. "Motivation." You looked at him confused. "Fine, of you get the next question right then you get your phone back!" He shook his head.

"Then what?" He smirked. "If I get it right then I get a kiss!" You rolled your eyes. "Whatever!" You were confident that you wouldn't have to kiss him since he was never going to get the question right.

"137" he said shocking you. "Wha-what?" He passed you his paper. "Am I right?" You pressed the equation into a calculator and sure enough it said 137.

You sighed before going closer to Quil. "Only a quick one!" Quil smiled. "Fine by me! Pucker up!" He teased before pressing his lips to yours. Surprisingly enough you enjoyed the kiss and so did Quil.

After the two of you pulled away you spoke. "How did you get it right?" He chuckled. "Guess you're a pretty good tutor!" He said winking at you.


This is very short so I'm sorry

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