Sam Uley: kisses you to shut you up

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You sighed as you rubbed the back of your neck. Your mind was filled with worry and panic and Sam could tell, you were his imprint after all!

"What's wrong?" He questioned as he sat beside you. You nudged the paper you were staring at towards him.

Once he'd picked it up he realised it was bills, lots and lots of bills! "Don't worry about it." He said trying to calm your nerves.

"Don't worry? Sam we need money! And we need it now!" You snapped showing how truly worried you were. "I'm going to have to get a second job!" You said making yourself worse.

You kept on and on about how you were screwed if you didn't pay the bills in time and Sam had heard enough of it.

To him it was his job to protect you, to provide for you and do whatever you wanted him to do! So seeing you like this made him slightly angry.

As you continued your rambling Sam decided to stop you with a kiss. As soon as his full lips met yours you silenced yourself.

It took a moment for you to gather what was going on but soon enough you kissed back. When you finally pulled away you smiled.

"What was I saying?" You joked as you stared into his brown orbs. He just shrugged. "I think it was something about how much you loved me?" He joked, earning a giggle from you.

"Something along those lines," you said running your hand through his hair.

How was this one?

I thought it was pretty cute!☺️ maybe I'm wrong though!

Thanks for reading!

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