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Walking alone was probably the first mistake you'd made- in fact becoming Paul's imprint was probably the first!

You see the overprotective werewolf hates leaving you out of his sight and he hated it when boys gave you attention!

"Well what do we have here?" You heard a deep voice say. You looked over at one of the many trees to see the cullens.

"You're crossing the border!" You said crossing your arms. You weren't scared of them!

"We were just leaving!" Edward spoke up, it was clear he wanted to go. "Why are we going so fast?" Emmet asked. "Now that there's such. A nice view maybe we could stick around."

Edward froze before looking behind you. You knew what was going on, it was Paul.

Paul lunged forward in his wolf form, almost taking Emmet by the neck.
Edward yelled for Emmet to run but he didn't need to, emmet knew what would happen to him if Paul got hold of him so he took off.

Of course not before kissing your hand. "Idiot!" Edward yelled as he ran forward, getting closer to his land.

Emmet had a sickening smirk on his face as your imprint chased after him!

Paul was literally a wild animal right now and it scared you a little seeing the blood thirst in his eyes.

Emmet jumped across the river, separating the cullens land from the Quiletines.

"Paul no!" Sam yelled as the boys pinned him down, preventing him from crossing the stream.

The vampires were nowhere in sight, Paul had scared them off but that wasn't enough for him! He needed their heads on a stick!

"Paul, calm down!" You yelled as you touched his face. He phased back to his human self. Anger was present on his facial features and he intimidated the other boys.

"Come!" He said grabbing hold of your arm and dragging you away. "Where are we going?" You asked following behind him, not that you had much of a choice.

"I'm gunna cover you in my scent!" He growled, not at you but in general. "How?" You asked trying your hardest to keep up with him.

"Sex, lots and lots of sweaty sex!" You blushed as you felt your core heat up. You didn't say anything else, just obeyed his every order since you knew it was the only thing to calm him down!


Oh damn! I'd be happy with them fighting over me!

Who would you pick? Emmet or Paul?

Why not both?

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now