Sam: lemon

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It has been 5 months since Sam had left the town of forks. It had been so long since the cold ones had visited your little town so when Sam turned everyone was surprised. "We can not control him!" One of the elders yelled so the decision was made and Sam was sent away to learn how to become Alpha, since one hadn't been needed in so long.

Today was the day that he would return do you were ecstatic. You knew you were his imprint, he told you before he had to leave and in all honesty you missed him.

"Hey, you come here often?" You heard Sam say, making you turn around to face him. You're heart began thumping in your chest at the sight of him. You weren't used to being away from him so these past months had been toucher.

You wrapped your arms around his neck while he squeezed your hips so tightly it almost hurt. You spent the rest of your day talking about what he had to do and the people he met and eventually went to bed.

"Goodnight," you said to the already sleeping Sam or at least you thought. You almost drifted off when you heard Sam sigh beside you.

"What's wrong?" You asked looking at him. "I'm just not- used to sleeping in a bed with you again." You see as soon as Sam turned he found you and your parents thought it was best for you two to always be together so you were constantly at his house, in his bed but when he left he almost forgot how to sleep with you.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to sleep on the couch?" You said feeling awkward. He shook his head. "Of course not!" He pulled you closer to him and that's when you felt it. Sam had an erection!

"I'm not used to it because all I can think about is how badly I've wanted you since I left and I don't know how to ask." He said shocking you. "You don't have to-" you said surprising yourself.

That was all Sam needed to hear from you. He crashed his lips against yours, his hands ravishing your body.

To think, this poor guy had just gotten his imprint, just a got comfortable with her and then got pulled away from her, unable to touch her, only able to remember her in his head.

The thing is, you'd had sex with Sam one other time before he had to leave so it wasn't as if you were a virgin but you were still shy and a little flustered.

"You don't know how badly I've wanted this," he said moving his lips down to your neck. "How badly I've wanted you." Those words and his touch earned a slight moan from you which sent him mad.

He practically ripped your pyjamas off in one swift pull. Sam stares at your backed body hungrily before removing his own clothes.

Just the pure sight of his body made you wet down there and he loved it.

Sam waisted no time and placed himself at your entrance. When the tip of his very erect member entered you he propped himself up onto one of his arms, using the other to wrap around your waist and bring your feverish bodies closer.

The insertion was a lot less painful then you thought it would be since you were still very tight down there due to his absence.

Sam began a rhythmic thrusting, slowly driving you crazy as you ached for more and that's when you said it "harder Sam!" You cried out earning a low grunt from him.

Sam fully entered you, giving you everything he had and it was a lot!

This went on, earning plenty of moans from both you and him. Sam's hips picked up in pace, alerting you that he was near his end.

You let out one more moan, helping him cum. His limbs twitched, giving you little bursts of ecstasy as he slowly collapsed beside you, pulling you into his now sweaty chest.

How were you able to live with out him again?


First one done mother fuckers!!!

I know I promised these in January but I'm sorry, I'm just pure lazy!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now