Jared: lemon

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You sat in Jared's house, boredom taking over you as you turned the page to read another chapter of your chemistry book. Your teacher had told you all to read the last three chapters for homework.

Jared pouted since you weren't giving him attention so turned on the Tv and put on some random movie that you weren't even slightly interested in, well until you heard a very loud moan.

Your eyes shot up to the Tv, what the hell was he watching? The female character continued to moan making you go bright red in the cheeks.

"What?" Jared laughed noticing your sudden flushed face. "N-nothing!" You said looking back down to your book.

You looked up from your book and noticed Jared staring at you, hungrily. Jared stood up to turn off the TV, he noticed you subconsciously lick your lips. He slowly walked over to you.

You touched his wrist only slightly but he jerked away. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He cautioned you. The two of you were still yet to have sex and it was driving him insane.

"I don't have much self control." he said looking you up and down. You licked your lips once again. "Maybe I'm not looking for self control." You said, not know what has taken over you.

"You shouldn't of said that." One of Jared's hand slipped into your hair while his other hand gripped your waist, closing the small gap between you. "You really shouldn't of said that." He said before pressing his lips against yours.

The kiss lasted only a moment but God did it take your breath away, leaving you a panting mess, which only made Jared want you more.

"Should we be doing this?" He asked, his breath fanning over your neck. "You started it!" You whined out. Jared threw everything off of the table with one swift moment.

Jared put you on the table, his finger tips digging into your waist as he tried not to rip your clothes off.

You couldn't help but moan as he grind his hips against yours. His hardness rubbing up and down against your now soaking wet chore.

You closed your eyes and whispered his name as your rolling hips met again and again, his mouth quickly claiming every inch of your neck he could as his hands lifted your tee-shirt up to your chest, exposing your stomach to his gaze.

"Take your clothes off." He said in a deep voice as he removed his own. You did as he asked and once you were finished he took you over to the sofa, positioning your on his lap, ready for him.

He gripped your hips, guiding your entrance to his fully erect member. You felt him at your entrance and in one swift thrust felt all of him.

His eyes widened drastically, voice raised out of both panic and pleasure. "You're a virgin?" You nodded, feeling both pain and pleasure in your lower region.

"Shit- Y/N I'm so sorry, if I'd of known I would of did it differently!" You smirked at him and his slightly red cheeks.

"Do you want to stop?" He asked worried you'd be in a lot of pain. You shook your head and allowed him to guide your hips up and down slowly, helping you to adjust to him and his length.

When it was clear you were no longer in pain Jared took over. He held you still by gripping your hips and then began thrusting into you, slowly and softly at first but adding more speed as time went on.

You suddenly felt a jolt of pleasure, releasing a very loud moan, followed by Jared groaning and going harder.

You berried your head in his neck as he began going rougher, you could tell how badly he wanted this, how badly he needed to do this to you.

You moaned out his name as he reached his end, your head fuzzy from the orgasm you were experiencing so you didn't realise how deeply you had sunk your nails into his skin.

"Fuck babe-" he groaned as he pulled out, just in time as he followed up and ejaculated over your belly.

You collapsed into him, breathing heavily as he wrapped his sweaty arms around you. "Ready for round two?" He joked or at least you hoped.


And done!

I told a friend of mine about this imagine and she said about how you're supposed to bleed during sex so let me make this clear: YOU SHOULD NOT BLEED DURING SEX!

If you do bleed (and you're a girl or have a vagina) it's because you were not sexually stimulated enough and we're not wet enough meaning you e ripped your hymen! You're supposed to have at least 20 minutes of foreplay before sex so just remember that for when your time comes!😉

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