Embry: ignored pt2

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After your little incident Embry stopped turning up at school but you would see him around town with his friends which puzzled you, why did he just stop going in?

You never got the chance to speak to him after that because he was never around long enough for you to even get close.

So you put it in the past, even though you couldn't stop thinking about him, and decided to go out with your friends.

They suggested you go see the new captain America movie and you just couldn't resists so you tagged along but was unaware that Embry would be there too.

You all payed for your tickets and went in to the theatre. You just happened to take a seat next to one of the guys that tagged along with you all.

He was average looking and was nice to you so when he offered you the seat you took it.

At that exact moment you felt butterfly's in your belly and a sudden wave of excitement run through your body. Was he making you feel like this? No it wasn't him.

That's when you looked further up the isle of seats behind you and saw Embry staring at you.

Every other time you'd seen him he looked away and acted like you weren't there, doing any thing he could to not look at you but now he was just staring at you.

It gave you a rush of excitement and fear.

The boy you were sat with ran his hand across your leg, moving to grab your hand. Embry tensed up and so did you, you didn't look at him than anything more than a friend and his touch made you feel sick to your stomach.

"Ah I forgot to get popcorn!" You said standing up, Embry leaned forward as you moved. "Shall I come?" The boy asked, you shook your head. "It's fine! I'll be right back." You said politely.

You walked out of the movie theatre, going for fresh air, when you felt Embry's presence behind you.

"What do you want?" You asked leaning on the wall and taking a deep breath.

"Is he your boyfriend?" You chuckled before shaking your head. "Do you have feelings for him?" You sighed. "Why?" He frowned.

"Why does it matter to you? In fact why is it any of your business?" Embry looked away, annoyance clear on his face.

"I know what you're feeling." You looked at him shocked. "Then why-" he cut you off. "And I know ignoring you was cruel and wrong, so answer the question. If you have feelings for him then I'll leave you alone."

"Leave me alone? You've already left me alone! I've been alone since you started ignoring me! And I can't even explain how I feel because-"

He came closer. "Do you have feelings for him?" He said in a quiet voice. He was scared of your answer and you knew it.

"No-" he looked up at you. "I don't have feelings for anyone other than you!" You cried out.

"Thank god!" You said as he pulled you in close and pressed his lips to yours.

The two of you ditched your friends and went back to his where he explained everything to you and why he thought you were better off with a normal guy.


Why can't you hold me in the streets why can't I kiss you on the dance floor!

I love that song!

I always listen to a song when I write these imagines!

Well I hope you liked!

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