Request: insecure

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Requested by: @createyourspark
Info: preferences including all of the boys making you feel insecure
(Side note Sam is a teen in this!)

Sam: "ah this must be Y/N?" One of the elders said making you smile. "So you are Sam's Imprint?" Another said making you nod.

Sam looked proud as they complimented you on your looks.

"She will give birth to wonderful children!" Said one of the women making both you and Sam blush.

"She has the perfect body to have children!" Another chirped making you even more embarrassed.

"Yeah, she has huge hips and thighs!" Sam joined in. Everyone went silent. Did he really just say that...

"Yeah," you said looking down at your lower half. What did he mean by that? Your thighs weren't that big were they?

"Y/N are you-" you cut Sam off. "Uh I'm gunna go for a walk." You said walking in the opposite direction.

You didn't really know how to take what Sam said, sure he probably just meant it as in you could carry big strong children but maybe he was implying you'd gained weight?

"This boy is just like his father!" Said one of the women crossing her arms. "Never insult your imprint." One of the elders said shaking his head as if he'd made the mistake before.

Sam frowned before chasing after you. Since the visit with the elders was at billy blacks house you'd walked into the forest to get away from everyone.

"Hey, just wait-" sam called as he hurried after you. Once he's finally caught up to you he spun you around to reveal tears running down your cheeks.

"Uh-" he didn't know what to do. "I didn't-" you cut him off again. "Am I fat?" You asked looking down at your thighs. Sam just growled.

He didn't growl at you but he growled at the idea of you being fat! "Don't be so stupid!" He said wrapping his arms around you. "You're perfect!" He said kissing the top of your head.

"You have to say that, we're soul mates." You said wiping your tears. "Trust me Y/N your body is perfect!" He said looking down at you.

"I'd probably be a lot sexier if I lost some weight though. Sam had had enough of this. How dare you think you weren't sexy?

Sam had to hold himself back from tearing your clothes off of you and savouring your boys everyday he laid eyes on you!

Before you knew it Sam had you pinned to a tree, his breathing shallow as he tried to hold back.

"Trust me Y/N I've never wanted another person so badly in my entire life." He said pulling your leg up to wrap around his waist.

"S-Sam-" you were taken back. "You don't understand how much will power it takes for me to not take your virginity right here, right now!"

Your cheeks were as red as ever as you heard those words.

"Every inch of your body is perfect, everything about you is perfect!" He said staring down at you.

You smiled before pulling him into a kiss. Those words made your heart skip a beat, made butterfly's fly in your tummy and made you ache for Sam's touch.

Jared: Let's be honest here. Most of your time spent with the pack was spent eating food, eating food and eating more food! Your weight wasn't a problem since you did a lot of exercise so why stop eating?

You were sat with the pack, in between Jared and Quil, while you all ate. You didn't eat anywhere near as much as the boys did but you ate a lot.

"Hey slow down there," Jared said noticing your plate. You looked at him confused. "You've been eating a lot lately! Watch you don't get fat!" He joked.

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now