|| Sam Ulley: bedroom||

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You were at home, watching a movie when suddenly Sam bust through the front door.

"Hey," you said turning to look at him. When you realised he had a couple of scratches running down his arm you stood to your feet.

"Sam?" You said questioningly as you approached him. "I'm fine." He said smiling at you but that wasn't enough for you.

"Come with me!" You said dragging him into the bedroom. "Someone's excited!" He teased but you just ignored him.

"I'm going to clean it." You said making him sigh. He really did wish you were just excited! "I'm fine! My wolf ability-" you cut him off.

"Zip it Ulley!" You said making him chuckle. After you cleaned out the wound you sat next to him.

"Those new kids are really-" he sighed. "It's been a while since I've had to teach someone how to phase and now I've gotta do it all over again!" He said. You rubbed his non injured arm.

Sam turned to you and began kissing you, it wasn't a very passionate or anything! It was slow and sweet, his tongue eventually fighting for dominance and winning.

You slowly laid down as Sam leaned over you, he moved your legs so you were now laying on the bed but didn't break the kiss once!

Before you knew it he had stripped you of your clothes and you his! You smiled as you stared at your boyfriends chizzled features. You couldn't believe that this was all yours to touch and play with!

Sam chuckled as he noticed your staring so you looked away. "Ready?" He asked as he positioned himself. You nodded. It was your first time with Sam. You had done it before of course but with Sam it felt like the very first time.

You nodded and that's when he entered you. He began kissing you again as he made slow thrusts that you barely even noticed.

Suddenly Sam's inner wolf took over and he began going faster and faster. By now you were moaning and digging your nails in his back.

This was a new side of Sam you'd never really seen! "Say it." He mumbled into your ear as you let out a long moan. "What?" You asked.

"My name, say it!" He said going faster. Now you would of said it, in fact you almost did once or twice while making love to him but something told you that you could have more fun if you didn't!

"No!" You said shaking your head. Sam's thrusting slowed down. "What?" He asked. "I don't want to." You said smiling. It was evident that Sam's wolf was in control now and if anything that was a turn on!

"Say it!" He said but you just shook your head. "Y/N say it!" He said trusting into you and making you moan. He noticed this and picked up his pace.

You were barely hanging in there, the pleasure going on down there was unbelievable! Much better than the other times you'd had sex.

"Say my name!" He mumbled into your ear. His voice was deep and sexual and the next thing you knew "Sam!" You almost screamed. "What am I?" He said but you weren't over that yet!

You had hit your peak and was enjoying the pleasure as Sam continued to thrust. "Call me alpha!" He whispered and kissed your neck. Now that you couldn't do!

It sounded so sexual when he put it like that! You went bright red making him smile. One last thrust and "alpha!" You yelled as he moaned.

He collapsed on you. The two of you cuddled for a little before getting dressed and going downstairs.

"So I'm guessing we should of knocked." Said Jacob. Your face went bright red at the thought of the boys hearing you!

"Call me alpha!" Said Paul in a mocking deep voice. "Oh Alpha!" Jarred moaned. "OUT!" Yelled Sam and the boys practically ran!

"That wasn't my fault!" Sam said as you turned around with a deadly look on your face. "Come here Alpha!" You said chasing him up the stairs to hit him.


So how was it?

I might re-write this one because it's not very good!

So I finally wrote one!

Thanks for reading!

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