Embry: accident 2

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The town of forks usually had horrible weather, it was usually cold and damp but during the summer it was lovely and hot so you were all enjoying the day at the beach. You were sat talking to Kim and Rachel, they were both nice girls and since they were Jared and Paul's imprints you hung out with them a lot.

"I'm going to get a drink." You said standing up and walking over to the ice box. Embry was playing football with the other pack members. "I got it!" He said as he approached the ball that was rolling away from him.

Sadly for Embry he tripped over the ball and flung forward, reaching out for something to save him from falling. He grabbed hold of the first thing he could which just happened to be your bikini.

He pulled it straight off you as he landed on the ground. You shrieked once you felt your puppies get exposed. "Wow!" Quil said before Paul punched him to look away.
All the boys averted their eyes while you tried to hide your chest.

Rachel ran to you with your towel to cover yourself up.

"I'm so sorry!" Embry said feeling embarrassed. "I-its fine!" You said before running into the house from embarrassment, the girls following behind you.

"Nice one." Jacob teased his best friend. "Thanks for that." Quil joked, earning him another punch, this time from Embry.


It's 2am and I can't sleep

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