Meeting Quil Ateara

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Your day so far wasn't starting out great. You'd woken up late, dropped your phone in the toilet and now your mother told you that she needed you to run over to Emily Uley's house to give her back a pair of shoes your mother had borrowed when they went out. Oh did I mention your straighteners broke as well!

You ran out of the house with the shoes and quickly borrowed- okay stole your brothers truck before he realised! You drove off and eventually got to the Uley house.

You heard the rumours of Uley's crew. According to Jacob Black they were a bunch of hall monitors on steroids, well that was before he became one.

You hopped out of the truck and went straight over to the little house that stood alone on the chunk of land. You quickly knocked the door and waited to see Emily.

"Hey Hun, what are you doing here?" Emily asked looking happy to see you. You didn't actually know her and she didn't really know you either but she was very close friends with your mother so you guessed she was just being friendly.

"I just came to give you back these," you said handing her the shoes. "Oh thanks!" Emily began making small talk with you so you just stood there smiling before you looked at your phone and realised you'd been there for too long!

"I'd better be heading home!" You said smiling. She nodded and thanked you once more before she closed the door.

As you walked to the truck you noticed Sam Uley and he younger boys that followed him around like little lap dogs.
They were all throwing a football around and before you knew it the leather ball of death came flying towards your face.

"Ow!" You said as you collided with the ball. You instantly hit the ground and passed out.

When you woke up you were laying on the ground, surrounded by faces you couldn't get quite make out. "Oh god, how many times have I told you not to play so close to the house!" You heard Emily scold the boys.

"Is she alright?" One voice asked. "Hey how many fingers am I holding up?" Another asked. Suddenly you sat up but that was a mistake. You out your hand to your head and hopped that everyone would stop spinning!

"Careful," a boy said holding onto you so you didn't fall back down. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to throw it that hard!" The boy, who you soon realised was Quil, said.

"It felt like- a brick," you said laughing slightly. "I'm sorry," he said again. You finally stood up, you stumbled a little bit but got your keys from out of your pocket.

"Oh no! You're not driving now! I'll call your mother and tell her you'll be staying for a little bit longer," Emily said walking back inside with Sam following her. "Nice going Quik," one of the boys joked.

The rest of them laughed and all went inside. "In really, really sorry!" He said again. "It's fine but you should play for a team!" You joked making him laugh.


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