Jacob black: imprint

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50k reads? Oh my god, thank you so much! Anyway on with the story!

You got out of your truck and popped the trunk. A puff of smoke shot out into your face, chocking you. "Stupid hunk of junk!" You yelled kicking the hunk of junk in front of you.

"I- Hate- This- Truck!" You yelled punching it and hitting it. When the rusted mirror fell off you sighed. "Just great." Could your day get any worse?

When you heard the thunder crack as the rain poured down on you you sighed again. "Anything else you wanna throw at me?" You yelled looking up at the sky.

"Hey, are you okay?" A large, shirtless boy asked running down the road. "Uh no." You said hoping he hadn't seen you fight your truck.

"Yeah I guessed not!" He said as he finally got over to you. "What's wrong?" You hadn't been able to look at the handsome strangers face yet because you were too busy staring at you rusty truck.

"My truck hates me and in positive somebody up there is holding a grudge against me." You said making him chuckle.

"I'm Jacob." He said making you look at him. "Y-" you didn't even finished. You couldn't finish. Not when such a handsome guy stood in front of you.

Nothing mattered in that moment in time. Not the junk of junk still emitting smoke behind you, not the rain, not anything!

"What's your name bright eyes?" He asked smirking as he looked into your large E/C orbs. "Y/N." You said smiling at him.

"I'll fix your truck but first lets get out of this rain." He said offering you a hand. You nodded. "That'd be perfect!" You said taking his large hand and following him to wherever he was going.


I actually really liked this one!
Out of all of the boyfriends Jacob is one of my least favourites so I don't write very good imagines for him but this one I actually really liked!

Thanks for reading!

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