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Jasper tried to get you you leave

When you found out the pack would be going to train with the cullens you decided that you were going too, of course Quil refused but like that would stop you!

The pack were all in wolf form and Quil made you stand next to him.

You'd been friendly with Bella as a child so eventually you went to her side since she wasn't training either.

You couldn't help but notice that jasper was staring at you. "He's the one who has trouble with blood, right?" You said feeling slightly nervous.

"Was, he's okay now." Bella said smirking slightly at the obvious discomfort on your face.

The only problem with jasper staring at you was that you weren't the only one who noticed, Quil new he was staring at you and eventually the whole pack did!

"I think you should leave," Edward said, making sure to keep a distance between you and him. "What, why?" Bella asked a little disappointed to not have you there.

"Quil is loosing his temper," he said looking over at the large wolf. "But I-" you were cut off. "If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to." Jasper said getting dangerously close to you.

"Yes she does!" Quil said gritting his teeth. Since when did he change back?

"Quil-" you gasped as he grabbed hold of your wrist, too tightly, and pulled you away from the vampires.

"She doesn't wan-" jasper was cut off when Quil lost his temper and punched the closest thing to him, which happened to be a rather large Boulder, he split the boulder on half.

"Please-" Quil said sounding as if he were begging you. "Let's go!" You said holding his hand and walking away with him.

Alright bye Quil! It's time for some jasper!😍

He's my favourite vampire so I'd leave any of the wolves for him!!😍

What about you? Who would you choose?

Fun fact: I named my bearded dragon after jasper!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now