Jared Cameron: imprint

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You took your seat in class at the back and took your book out of your bag. You noticed the boy in front of you, Jared Cameron, was finally in school again. You'd noticed that he stopped coming to school and then suddenly he got huge!

"Alright class copy down what's written on the board while I make a quick call," your teacher said dialling a number on the phone.

That's when you realised that you'd forgotten your pen. You sighed before turning to the girl sat beside you and asking to borrow one. "Sorry I've only got one." She said waving around the only pen she had.

You sighed once again before tapping Jared's back, his huge muscular back. He turned around sharply making you jump slightly. "Can I borrow a-" you stopped talking as your eyes met with his.

For a second everything around you went silent and you felt like the only thing that mattered was the boy in front of you. You must really want that pen!

Jared's breathing was deep, as if he was in a wonderful dream. Suddenly the corner of his mouth turned up and he smiled. "A?" He said in a soft voice. "Umm-" you couldn't think of what you wanted. Well you could but saying "you" would probably ruin the moment.

"A pen," you said finally able to talk. Jared nodded before passing you the black pen. "Thanks," you said reaching out to take it. As you touched the pen the tip of your fingers touched his, sparks flew on the little piece of skin that touched his.

"What are you doing tonight?" Jared asked making you snap back to the conversation. "Uh nothing," you said too quickly, great now he thinks you're desperate! Jared's smile grew making him seem even cuter than before.

"Alright class turn to cheaper 12," your teacher said making him slowly turn back around. Every Once in a while you noticed Jared looking back slightly to look at you and when he did he had the biggest smile on his cheeks possible.

My feels! Okay this is possibly my favourite!😍

How was this one? Is there anything you'd change?

Thanks for reading!

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