⌘Collin: vampire⌘

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You're not really sure how you ended up in this situation- how you ended up being pinned to a tree with some blond leach trying to bite at your neck.

"You smell repulsive!" He growled making you frown. "Like I give a crap!" If you were going to die you were going to die a bad ass! Collin loved how fiery you got.

"You smell like a dog." You nodded, the boys probably did smell like dogs to them.

Before you knew it, you saw Collin racing forward, towards you and the sickeningly pale freak in front of you.

The vampire turned around in the nick of time, kicking Collin away but of course that didn't stop him.

You were now freed from your spot but your feet didn't move, they didn't want to because Collin was stood facing off against a vampire because of you.

Collin growled. "Ah so that's why, your his little girlfriend!" The leach said. "I don't think I'll kill you now." You frowned. "Instead I'll turn you and watch as he's forced to kill you!"

That  was too much for Collin, he lunged forward again, this time taking the vampires arm with him, ripping it right off.

"Ahhg!" He cried out. Collin spat out the body part and got ready to do it again. Once again he took the vampires arm in his mouth, showing his true strength.

It shocked you to see him like this. You were so used to the sweet, shy Collin that let you win when you play fight and never showed an inch of aggression.

"Ciaus, don't you think we should be going?" A tall black haired man appeared, making Collin tense up even more.

Ciaus quickly ran to his friends but Collin wanted him dead! He stepped forward but was blocked off by Sam who was in his wolf form. 

"They're stronger than you." Sam said through the mind link. "I can take them!" Collin roared in anger. "Think of her," Sam said looking over at you. "She needs you right now, she needs your touch." He was true, the moment you were pinned to the tree you wanted Collin, you wanted him to hold you and make you feel better.

Collin looked over at your scared face and looked down, he knew you weren't scared of him but for him so he turned back like Sam.

"Come on this land again and you're dead." Collin growled at Ciaus. "All of you." Sam said turning to follow his younger wolf.

Collin wrapped his arms around you and inhaled your scent, calming himself slightly.


I like this one!😊

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