Quil: imprint 2

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You couldn't help but laugh at the memory of your dog knocking Quil over, it had been months since then and the two of you were now dating.

"Just tell her!" You heard Paul say to your boyfriend. "What if she doesn't believe me?" Quil said back. "You know who her grandfather is right? She'll believe you!" Jared laughed. "What if she doesn't want me?" Quil said making the room go silent.

"Quil, do you wanna take Emma for a walk?" You said making your dog wag her tail. "Uh sure!" He said hoping you didn't hear that.

As the two of you walked you wondered what he could of been talking about and why did Jared mention your grandad? Sure he was a famous council member of the tribe but what wouldn't you believe?

While on your walk with Quil he seemed distant from you. He answer with one word each time and faked his laugh awkwardly.

"Shall we sit?" You said gesturing over to the bench. Quil sat next to you but seemed more interested in what your dog was doing than talking to you.

"Quil whatever it is just say it!" You said putting an end to the awkward silence between you two. "I want to- I just don't know how." He said stroking Emma and that's when an idea struck in his head.

"You know I really like you." He said still playing with your dog. You couldn't help but chuckle. "Like a lot, and I think you were made for me."

He sighed. "And I think it's about time I tell you the truth." You frowned. "Are you talking to me or the dog?" You joked slightly worried.

"I'm a shapeshifter- the ones your grandad talks about all the time." You just looked at him while he stared at your dog, wishing he had enough confidence to talk to you face to face.

"And you're my imprint-" he looked at you as he said that word and it felt as if your belly was home to over 1000 butterflies.

"Please say something." He said alerting you that you had gone silent.

"I think you should kiss me." You said shocking him slightly. "Just to reassure me that you're not soul mates with my dog!" You joked.

Quil crashed his lips against yours.


Once I was 7 years old my mama told me? Go and make some friends or you'll be lonely!

Love that song!👌🏽

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